4 Harmony Foundation
Synchronicity Wellness Center is redefining the healing experience by focusing on the body, mind, heart and the spirit and is the perfect destination to get your body, mind, heart and life in shape. Our wellness center features eastern healing arts body work modalities such massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, Feldinkraias techniques and Reiki energy balancing to get your body & mind in shape.
In the fast paced 21st Century we all need a place to get away to from the rat race so as to relax, revitalize and reenergize. We need to find a sacred place for stillness, to connect with our self and others, to reset our priorities, reconnect with what really matters and chart our path. That is what our Synchronicity Wellness Center is all about.


HorsEmpowerment Lectures
Horses are masters of congruency. Learning from the herd infrastructure and horse social structure.
HorsEmpowerment Clinics
Horses are masters of congruency. Learning from the herd infrastructure and horse social structure

Riding Fitness Center
Our fitness center empowers guests to work on their body sculpting, endurance and strength and features. Harmony our mechanical horse but that is just the beginning.
Wellness Specialist
Massage, Acupuncture
Feldinkraias techniques
Reiki energy balancing

YOGA & Mediation Classes
Our Wellness center offers yoga & moving meditation classes to empower you to practice mindfulness so as to move with spirit to live a life in balance and achieve your life purpose.
Healthy Food
Included in your retreal is delicious, nutrient rich healthy food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Luxury Accommodations
After a day of reflection, education and inspiration you can settle into one of our 5 star guest rooms.
Join Us for one of our unique retreats!
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Interested in Renting our Space for an Event?
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